Vampire Press Bites

Vampire Vineyards has been been making exceptional wine and gourmet products since 1988 and have been fortunate enough to receive considerable attention and admiration from the press over the years. Here are just a handful of highlights.

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Vampire Wine listed on 'The Hot List' for Shape Magazine in their September 2011 edition for a "Bloody Good" time. Listing Vampire Vineyards Vampire Chardonnay, Trueblood Pinot Noir and Dracula Syrah (sadly we are sold out of the Syrah). It also included our, currently unavailable, beer Witches' Brew Golden ale! And who wouldn't love their suggestion to rock out to "Monster Mash"?

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Dracula® Wine On

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What was the celebrity drink of choice for the HBO series True Blood cast? It was none other than Vampire Vineyard's very own Vampire Cabernet Sauvignon. The smooth fruit-forward red was served at the cast party and would make a great choice for any get-together! Here is the 'Hot Wine' piece that showed in Star Magazine!

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Anderson Cooper & Ashley Greene On Vampire Wine


Vampire On MTV's Viva La Bam

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